Firebug has been an invaluable resource to me as a web designer & developer. It makes troubleshooting issues easier and it has also served as an invaluable learning tool. The best thing about Firebug is that it can not only be used as a diagnostic tool, but as a learning tool. In the past, I… Read more »
Maki App Bookmarklet Maki App… My long lost web design helper. I lost the link for this but recently rediscovered it. If you are coding a website based on a design that was originally built in Photoshop, Maki App is a must-have tool. The old school way of marking up code to match a JPG… Read more »
Sites like Pinterest, Tumblr and Designspiration are great sources of inspiration. But the biggest problem with sites like these is the lack of credit given to the original creators of the images. Kal Barteski began Link with Love to help spread the word on properly giving credit to the artist before sharing their work. But… Read more »